Leather Bag Construction – 6 quick pic’ tips

Written on 15 Apr 2017

Leather Bag Construction shown in 6 quick steps. Easy to follow step-by-step guide to success.


1. Sketch out your design and measurements.

Don’t forget to include your centre lines and other details.

Quick Bag Sketch in preparation for leather bag construction









2. Make a card model.

This is the least expensive way to make mistakes!

Card model









3. Draw up your pattern.

Double (or treble) check your measurements

Pattern making









4. Select the leather.

We used 2.2 – 2.5mm veg tanned shoulder

Uncut leather






5. Cut out the bag parts

Prepare all the pieces for assembly

Bag parts







6. Assemble the bag and stitch.

We stitched by hand using 18/3 waxed linen thread

man bag - leather bag making course







Follow this link for help with bag design in 6 easy steps.

See page 19 of Issue 1; leatherwork magazine ‘Waxing the Thread’ for full page article on bag design and construction. Print magazine published by GDH Leatherwork


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